AMLaP 2022

September 7-9, 2022

University of York, United Kingdom

Call for abstracts

We invite submissions in any area of psycholinguistics, broadly construed, for presentation as an in-person plenary presentation, in-person poster presentation, or virtual poster presentation.

Abstracts are due Friday, 13th May 2022 11:59:59PM (Anywhere on Earth), and may be submitted via our submission portal.

Submission guidelines

Abstracts should be submitted as a PDF file adhering to the following formatting guidelines:

  • Abstracts should omit any potentially identifying information

  • Abstracts should be typeset to A4 size with 2.5 cm margins in 11pt Arial font

  • Please insert a full line between the title and the body of the text

  • Page numbers should be omitted

Authors are permitted one full A4 page of text, with a second page for supplemental example sentences, figures, and references. Authors working on non-English languages may include a third page with additional information about the language of study where this would be helpful to the reader. For example, where sentences require glossing, authors may wish to use use a third page to better present these data.

Call for new reviewers

In the interest of widening the pool of reviewers who contribute to AMLaP, we invite you to recommend new reviewers (including yourself!) for consideration. Note that reviewers must hold a PhD or equivalent. To make a nomination, please complete this reviewer nomination form by 15th April, 2022!